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Welcome to Brain Hive.
This guide is meant to help teachers plan and organize everything they need to get set up and ready use the platform with their students.
As a teacher your school admin should have provided you:
Teacher/Admin url for the Teacher/Admin Portal KB: Teacher/Admin URL
username and password
Direct School‘ url for the Student Viewer KB: Find your school Specific Link
‘ Generic Student User ID‘ and Password (Do post on public websites)
The below steps are only necessary if your school plans on using ‘ Named Users’ as opposed to ‘ Generic Student Users’ or you want to assign books to students via Classes/Groups.
Gather your student list
Create separate csv (comma delimited) files for each class
Students (First,last,login id,password) NO Header Row
Create Classes & Groups (Optional) KB: Teacher Create Class/Groups
Import Students in Classes KB:Import Students in Class
Search for Books KB: Teacher - Simple Bookroom Search
Assign books to a Class - KB: Teacher Assign Books
Need Help? Email info@brainhive.com
Create Classes and Groups
Teachers can have have as many Classes as they want.
Students can belong to multiple Classes.
Classes can be sub divided into Groups.
Students can belong to 0 or more Groups.
It is recommend that you create your Classes and Groups before your start importing, adding and assigning students to them.
Here the recommended order.
Create Classes
Create Groups for this Classes (Optional)
Add or Import Students to Classes
Assign Students to Groups (Optional)
Add Classes:
1. Click the ' Students' tab | |
2. Click the ' Add Class' button | |
3. Enter the name of the class and click Save. If you already have the import file ready, you can import from here. If not, you can import the students later. | |
Edit the Class Name:
Show the list of classes, then click the class now or 'Edit' button to the right and a edit window will come up. Just change the name.
Add Groups
*** You need to already have created a class ***
1. Click the ' Students' tabs | |
2. Click the ' Add Group' button | |
3. Select the ' Class' and enter the group name |
How a Teacher can add a single student into a class.
There are 2 two types of ways to add a student.
Students who is Already in School.
Brand New Student.
It is 'Best Practice' to create all your Classes and Groups before you start to add students.
Students already in the school where either imported by the administrator, or another teacher added them to their class.
Student is Already in School
1. Click the ' Students' Tab | |
2. Click ' Add Student' button (Upper Right) | |
3. Search to see if student is already in the school by typing in either:
| |
4. Click Search (Magnifying Glass Icon) |
5. Click the ' +' beside the student you want to add | |
You MUST add the student to one of your classes. |
6. Click the 'ADD' button to add the student to one of your class |
Brand New Student
If after Step 4 above, you searched for the student and they are not already in the school, you will need to add them.
Click ' Would you like to add one?' button.
Enter all of the required information.
Required Fields are:
First Name
Last Name
Login ID (Does NOT have to be a email address, but must be unique to school)
Enter the information and click 'Save'
Video Walk through of Both:
Assign a student to a group
Groups are a sub-divider of classes. Therefore groups belong to a class.
Best Practice is to:
Create Classes
Assign students to Classes
Create Groups
Assign students to groups
Here is how you assign a student to a group.
1. Click the 'Students' Tab | |
2. Search for the student, they should already be a member of one of your classes. | |
3. Click the student open the student detail | |
4. Expand the classes to see groups, then Click 'ADD' to add the student to the group. |
Video Overview
How a Teacher can import students into a class.
Prepare the CSV to Import
Column Order:
First Name, Last Name,LoginID , (does NOT need to be in email format but must be UNIQUE to school) , Password,Email (optional if different from LoginID)
1. Click the 'Students' tab | |
2. Click 'Class Search' if the class already exists |
3. Click the 'Upload CSV' File Button | |
4. Select the csv file to import |
5. Verify the csv file was uploaded |
6. Click 'Begin Inport' button |
Video Overview:
Assign books and Graphic Organizers to Classes or Groups
Search for a book in in your bookroom or favorites
You can open the 'Book Detail' Screen by clicking the 'Title' and then clicking the 'Assign' button at the bottom OR clicking the 'Assign Button' to the far right after you hover over the title row.
Book Detail Screen
Assign Screen
For each class or Group, put a check beside each graphic organizer you want to assign and the check assign and click 'Save'
Students assigned to the Class or Group will see the titles in their 'Bookbag'
Teacher Favorite Books List
Allows teachers teacher save lists of books that they found most useful so they can quickly assign them later.
Here is a quick video on the topic.
Teacher: Simple Bookroom Search
Click 'Bookroom'
You can enter:
(Title or ISBN)
(ATOS - Accelerated Reader, GRL - fountas and pinnell or Lex)
(Fiction or Non-Fiction)
Click Search (Small Magnifying glass icon)
This will allow you to search for the all of the 'Print' and 'Digital' books you have cataloged in the Brain Hive.
Here is a video of the simple search:
How to find your school specific Student viewer URL:
Some of the official school names are very common or are very long so we created a way you can link directly to your school for students.
The URL will look like:
Here is how to find the URL for your school :
Login as a Teacher
Either click or right click the icon next to your school name.
Clicking, will take you to the school specific URL
Right Clicking, on chrome, will allow you to copy the link address.
You then can share that URL or put on your school website.
Admin and Teacher Login
These are the URLs where you can login to the Brain Hive platform for and 'Admin' or 'Teacher'.
Bookmark or create a desktop short to either of these URLs:
or goto
Click 'Login'
Click 'Admin'
TAGS Overview
TAGS are just meta data about a book.
Can be almost anything
We have the following TAG Types
This give us and you great flexibility how you want to search for books.
Whatever makes sense to your District and School, you can create custom tags and search for the books.
Here is a video overview of TAGS.